Posted on March 4, 2013 · Posted in TBI Voices
This entry is part 16 of 36 in the series Zachary

Transition After Brain Injury: Zach Part Sixteen 

With Zach’s return to high school he had a lot of understanding teachers which made it much more manageable for the transition after brain injury.


How did you manage with your transition after brain injury to get the academic work done?

In the summer?

No, when you start in the fall.

Oh when I start?

You’re trying to learn, you know, distracted environment now, going to rehab and football where do you get the time for the academics? Energy, energy for the academics in the transition after brain injury?

Yeah, I know.  I was, I was tired but, my, my teachers were really understanding, and they were like “all right give me your thing when, when you can.” But I’d usually be able to meet the deadline.  I didn’t have that much work thank God because I don’t know what I would have done if I had too much work.

Did you go full time the second semester with your transition after brain injury, or was it still part time?

It was full. I’m not sure.

What problems did you have in your senior year with your classes?

Well math obviously. I struggled with that.

Did you have to take another math class?

I had to take statistics, yeah.  Well, I, I don’t know if I had to take that but it would have been good for college but yeah.

Did you manage to pass it?

Yeah, yeah I did.

How did you make it through something where you’re having a deficit in math, plus statistics has as much memory as math.

Just, well asking everyone I can for help.  I wasn’t ashamed asking for help. I needed help because everything I’ve been through. So I asked.

To view:

Being comfortable asking for help – this is one area that the community and family support he had made a tremendous difference – they made it so that it was OK to admit that he needed that help.

Next in Part Seventeen

Graduation Seemed Hollow Achievement After TBI

About the Author

Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr.
Past Chair Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group, American Association of Justice :: 800-992-9447