Here is an opportunity for those who have sustained brain injury to provide feedback about their experiences and needs.
The Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine is doing research on brain-injury information distribution and the educational needs of survivors of brain injury and their families.
“The results of this research are intended to help health care professionals provide information to people who have sustained brain injuries and their families,” according to the brain injury group.
There are two surveys: one for those with brain injuries and the other for their family members or significant others.
There are two main qualifications for the brain injury survivors: They must be more than 6 months old post-injury, and must have sustained the injury after age 20. In addition, the family member or ignificant other must be age 21 or older.
The full details of the research and the qualifications are available with the surveys.
The survivor survey can be found at:
The family member/significant other survey can be found at: