Brain Injury Associations and Brain Injury Support Groups

Brain Injury Associations

Click here for current information on the state affiliates of the Brain Injury Association.

After clicking on this link to the brain injury associations, you will then need to choose your state, and hope that your state’s page has support group information.  In addition, there are a number of support groups that may be found through hospitals or rehabilitation centers in your area. As there are now a number of non-affiliated brain injury associations, you may have to keep digging to find one in your area.

TBI’s Voices was created for the brain injured community.  Not only for the survivors but also their caregivers and their community.  It is a collection of stories compiled from interviews of a number of TBI survivors.  We did this to give examples of how brain injuries of different people can not only be very different because we are individuals and each case may have slightly different pathologies but also many similarities.


Our hope in creating the series of stories is that ultimately it will become part of the curriculum for psychology courses.  There isn’t a better way to understand brain injury and its effects than listening to the voices of the brain injured and their caregivers or loved ones.  We have changed the names of the survivors we have interviewed to keep their anonymity but the videos, even though we haven’t used their real names, they become very recognizable.  The survivors we have interviewed and have had  tell their stories are very brave and remarkable people.


You will never find a better accounting of the brain injury community as you will by going to  I think you will have a much better understanding of brain injury and its effects whether you are the brain injured individual or someone you love has suffered traumatic brain injury.

For video of Attorney Gordon Johnson speaking to support groups about TBI Voices:

NEXT: Wisconsin Support Groups.