Posted on July 11, 2012 · Posted in TBI Voices
This entry is part 34 of 36 in the series Michael

Psychological Medication Management: Michael Part Thirty-Four

In part thirty-four Michael discusses the different Psychological Medications that he has been prescribed and how they effect him.

You mentioned that when your mania gets to be a problem, you go through money quickly?


Does the psychological medication help with that?

I would say, I still at least once a month I will have that problem but it can help at times.  Usually what will happen is nowadays I will sleep when I am going through a, well that is a depression state.  I will stay up all night when I am in a manic mood.  The last thing I had was for three days.

What happens at the end of the three days?

I conk out for at least 12 hours.  And during this, stage Becky knows (to keep) all the credit cards, all the debit cards, anything I can use she will keep them on her person.

What do you do for three days straight?

I have another room in here.  I have my books, my cards, my comic books.  I have organized and reorganized.  I’m still organizing and reorganizing them because it will help me work off energy.

What is the purpose of working off the energy?

Being able to sleep.

Are you taking any sleep medications as well as psychological medications?

I try not to.

Are you taking any psychological medications that would make you manic?

I don’t know.  I take, I take Effexor, actually I take the generic form.

Is that a stimulant?

If you are TBI, Effexor is great for depression because when you are TBI, you have both forms of depression.  The one you see on television, the mental depression – I also have the physical depression and that helps it because I never know when the physical is going to come or go.  And then for my manic stages, that inter-working with my Lamictal is supposed to help.   It depends.  And then I take, Seroquel at night to help me sleep and to help with my schizophrenic problems.

Do you always take the Seroquel? 

Oh, I have to Becky has had problems if I don’t and she makes sure I take it.

When you get in one of those periods where you are up for three days, do you find that you are getting some psychosis and you are really starting to come apart at the seams? 

No.  I guess the best way to explain that is it’s like when I explained it to the last psychiatrist I had.  It’s like I can feel the blood pumping through my veins and it just gets worse. I don’t get any psychosis like I’m hearing things or seeing things.  It’s just I become, like sensory overload.


Next in Part Thirty Five – Ongoing Frontal Lobe Issues After Severe Brain Injury

By Attorney Gordon Johnson


About the Author

Attorney Gordon S. Johnson, Jr.
Past Chair Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group, American Association of Justice :: 800-992-9447